Saturday, May 10, 2008

Day Nine

Another day of work.

I was hungry and had skipped breakfast, so luckily there were "treats" leftover from FOOD DAY for breakfast.

One of my judges emailed me about traveling to a different county for the afternoon. It would mean 80 miles total of driving that I normally wouldn't do, but it was for work AND I get reimbursed for the travel.

However, I did use it as an excuse to stop at a Wendy's and indulge my cravings. Which is okay, b/c I said Wendy's was the exception. MUAHAHAH.

When I was on the highway, I tried to use cruise control as much as possible to help with my mileage. I am weird about cruise control--I start to panic when the car "surges" on its own, especially when taking curves. I blame this on the bad car accident I was in--I don't like being reminded that I am not completely in control of my vehicle and when I feel it "drive on its own" it really freaks me out. But I did pretty well yesterday. I kept it on during a few curves, and only took it off when I had to merge, then was unable to keep it on after that b/c there was sooo much traffic driving at irregular speeds. It's a start!!!

Last night, I drove into DSM to go to a friend's going away party at a bar. I only had two drinks. Then I met up with a friend at another bar and I had NO drinks. All in all, a pretty cheap day.

Total expenses: $80 (including $67 for my LAST cable bill!!!)

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